Hello React
Introduction to React
Dynamic Greeting
Build a reusable Greeting component that personalizes messages based on props.
Profile Card
Create a ProfileCard component that accepts and displays multiple props like name, age, and location.
Default Greeting
Set default props for a Greeting component to display a fallback value when no data is passed.
Wrapper Component
Create a Wrapper component that accepts and renders content passed as children.
Styled Button
Create a reusable StyledButton component with hover effects using the className prop.
Using Fragments
Learn how to group multiple elements using React fragments.
Dynamic List Rendering
Render a dynamic list of items using map and apply the key prop correctly.
Conditional Rendering
Use conditional rendering to display different content based on a boolean prop.
Click Counter
Handle a button click event to update the component state using useState.
Controlled Button
Pass a function from a parent component to a child component and use it to update the parent’s state.
Dynamic Styling
Use props to dynamically style components based on input values.
Default Props
Use default props to provide fallback values when props are not provided.
Prop Validation with TypeScript
Define and enforce prop types using TypeScript interfaces.
Children Props
Use the children prop to create a reusable container component.
Embedding Expressions
PremiumEmbed JavaScript expressions dynamically in JSX.
Conditional Rendering
PremiumConditionally render elements in JSX based on logical expressions.
JSX Fragments
PremiumGroup multiple JSX elements using React fragments to reduce unnecessary DOM nodes.
JSX Comments
PremiumLearn to add comments in JSX to document and explain code.
JSX Attributes
PremiumLearn to use static and dynamic attributes in JSX for styling and customization.
JSX Event Handling
PremiumLearn how to handle user interactions in JSX using event handlers like onClick.
JSX Styling
PremiumLearn how to combine inline styles and class-based styles dynamically in JSX.
JSX Lists
PremiumLearn how to render lists dynamically in JSX using the map method.
JSX Default Props
PremiumLearn to use default props in React for setting fallback values.
JSX Spread Attributes
PremiumLearn how to use JSX spread attributes to pass props dynamically.
Basic Counter with State
PremiumLearn to manage component state using the useState hook.
Toggle Component with State
PremiumLearn to manage toggle state using useState in React.
Light Switch Component
PremiumLearn to manage on/off states dynamically with useState.
Counter with Step
PremiumLearn to dynamically update state using user input and step size.
Text Input Tracker
PremiumLearn to track and display user input dynamically using useState.
Character Counter
PremiumLearn to count and display the length of user input in real time.
Toggle Theme Component
PremiumLearn to toggle between light and dark themes using useState.
Counter with Reset Button
PremiumLearn to reset a state variable to its initial value in React.
Controlled Input Component
PremiumLearn to create and manage controlled inputs in React.
Two-Way Data Binding
PremiumLearn to implement two-way data binding with React.
Persisting Counter with Local Storage
PremiumPersist state using localStorage and React’s useEffect hook.
Tabs Component with Active State
PremiumLearn to implement dynamic tabs with active state management.
Counter with Maximum Limit
PremiumLearn to enforce maximum and minimum limits on state variables.
Dynamic List Manager
PremiumLearn to manage a list dynamically by adding and removing items.
Custom Counter with Step Value
PremiumLearn to adjust state dynamically with user-defined step values.
Multi-Input Form Handling
PremiumManage form data with multiple inputs using useState in React.
To-Do List Application
PremiumImplement a simple to-do list app using useState for state management.
Functional State Update Counter
PremiumCreate a counter that uses the previous state with useState's functional update.
Immutable State Updates
PremiumManage state with useState by updating objects and arrays immutably.
Accordion Component with State
PremiumImplement a simple accordion component using useState to manage active panels.
Advanced Form Validation
PremiumBuild a form with multiple fields and advanced validation rules to ensure user input integrity.
Dynamic Multi-Step Form
PremiumBuild a multi-step form where users can navigate between steps, input data, and submit the final result.
Custom Hook for Fetching Data
PremiumCreate a reusable custom hook for fetching data from APIs and handle loading and error states dynamically.
Dynamic Shopping Cart
PremiumBuild a shopping cart where users can add items, increment quantities, and remove items dynamically.
Real-Time Search with Debouncing
PremiumCreate a real-time search input that filters a list dynamically, with a debouncing mechanism to optimize performance.
Basic Input Field
PremiumCreate a controlled input field that updates its state as the user types.
Password Input Field
PremiumCreate a controlled input field with a 'Show Password' toggle.
Controlled Checkbox
PremiumManage the checked state of a checkbox using React state.
Controlled Select Dropdown
PremiumBuild a controlled dropdown menu where the selected value updates the state.
Character Limit Input
PremiumCreate an input field that enforces a maximum character limit and displays the remaining characters.
Email Validation Input
PremiumValidate an email input field in real time as the user types.
Number Input with Min/Max
PremiumCreate a number input field that enforces minimum and maximum values.
Live Preview Input
PremiumCreate a text input where the entered text is displayed live in a preview below the field.
Dynamic Placeholder Input
PremiumBuild an input field with a dynamic placeholder that changes based on state.
Read-Only Toggle Input
PremiumAdd a toggle to make an input field read-only dynamically.
Multi-Field Form
PremiumManage multiple input fields (e.g., name, email, and phone) with a single state object.
Search with Suggestions
PremiumCreate a search input that displays suggestions based on the entered text.
Validation with Multiple Inputs
PremiumCreate a form with multiple inputs and display error messages for invalid fields.
Text Transformation Input
PremiumBuild an input field where the text transforms dynamically (e.g., uppercase, lowercase) as the user types.
Auto-Fill Input
PremiumCreate an input field with an auto-fill feature that suggests a predefined value.
Dynamic Input Field Generation
PremiumBuild a form that allows users to dynamically add or remove input fields.
Masking Input (Phone Number)
PremiumImplement a controlled input field that applies a phone number format dynamically (e.g., `(123) 456-7890`).
Real-Time Markdown Editor
PremiumCreate a textarea input that renders a real-time markdown preview.
Dependent Dropdowns
PremiumBuild two dropdowns where the options of the second depend on the selection in the first.
Custom Validation Rules
PremiumBuild a form with custom validation rules for multiple input fields, displaying error messages for invalid entries.
Basic Registration Form
PremiumCreate a simple form with a single input and submit button.
Validation Feedback
PremiumAdd basic validation to a form and display a message on submit.
Password Confirmation
PremiumCreate a form with password and confirm password fields.
Disable Submit
PremiumDisable the submit button until all form fields are valid.
Focus Management
PremiumAutomatically focus the next input field on enter.
Dynamic Error Messages
PremiumShow error messages dynamically as the user types.
Required Checkbox
PremiumAdd a required checkbox before submitting a form.
Prefill Data
PremiumCreate a form that pre-fills fields with existing data.
Clear Form
PremiumAdd a 'Clear All' button to reset the form state.
Basic Dropdown Form
PremiumCreate a form with a dropdown menu to select an option.
Multi-Step Form with Navigation
PremiumCreate a basic multi-step form with next and back buttons.
Dynamic Validation Rules
PremiumAdd dynamic validation rules that change based on user input.
Conditional Inputs
PremiumShow or hide input fields based on selected options.
File Upload with Preview
PremiumBuild a form that allows users to upload files and preview the selected file.
Custom Date Picker
PremiumCreate a form with a custom date picker input field using state.
Form with Progress Bar
PremiumCreate a form with a progress bar that updates as fields are completed.
Dependent Dropdowns Form
PremiumBuild a form with dependent dropdowns that fetch options dynamically.
Form with Nested Fields
PremiumCreate a form with nested fields (e.g., address fields with subfields).
Form with Live Validation
PremiumBuild a form with live validation and conditional error messages.
Form with Local Storage
PremiumBuild a form that saves data to localStorage and retrieves it on reload.
Basic Counter with useState
Manage a simple counter using the `useState` hook.
Clock with useEffect
Display and update the current time using the `useEffect` hook.
Theme Toggler
Toggle a light/dark theme using `useState`.
Persist Counter State
Persist a counter state using `useState` and `localStorage`.
Fetch Data with useEffect
Fetch and display data from an API using `useEffect`.
Debounced Input
Implement a debounced input field using `useEffect`.
Manage Focus with useRef
Manage focus on an input field using `useRef`.
Basic Timer
Build a timer using `useState` and `useEffect`.
Form Validation with useState
Validate a form dynamically using `useState`.
Responsive Navbar
Create a responsive navbar using `useState` and `useRef`.
To-Do List with useReducer
PremiumManage a to-do list using `useReducer`.
Modal with useContext
PremiumBuild a modal with `useContext` for global state.
Optimize List with useMemo
PremiumOptimize list rendering with `useMemo`.
Debounced API Call
PremiumDebounce an API call using `useCallback`.
Measure DOM with useLayoutEffect
PremiumMeasure DOM elements using `useLayoutEffect`.
Tabs Navigation with useReducer
PremiumCreate a tab navigation system with `useReducer`.
Custom Fetch Hook with Pagination
PremiumBuild a custom hook for fetching data with loading/error states and pagination.
Expose Functions with useImperativeHandle
PremiumUse `useImperativeHandle` to expose functions from a child component.
Form Handling Hook
PremiumCreate a custom hook for form handling with validation.
Infinite Scrolling Hook
PremiumBuild a custom hook for infinite scrolling.